Soft Pastel Artwork

In 2022, I embarked on a creative journey, dedicating my free time after work to the art of soft pastel creation. Despite a longstanding desire to paint, my initial attempts yielded results that fell short of my expectations. However, armed with newfound techniques and a commitment to patience, I gradually began to produce artwork that brought me genuine satisfaction. Soft pastels served as my initial gateway into the world of painting, providing a medium through which I could grasp the fundamentals of color and lighting.

As my proficiency grew, so did my aspirations. In October 2022, I transitioned to working with acrylic paints, marking a significant milestone in my artistic evolution. To witness the progression of my artistic endeavors, feel free to explore my inaugural acrylic paintings showcased here. Each stroke and color choice reflects not only a creative exploration but also a dedication to mastering the intricacies of acrylic painting. Join me on this transformative artistic voyage as I continue to hone my skills and bring forth new creations. See my acrylic paintings here.